Get in touch today –
The main principles of safeguarding are empowerment, prevention, protection, proportionality, partnerships and accountability.
Safeguarding adults is about responding and preventing the abuse or neglect of adults with care and support needs. Adult abuse can take many forms:
Physical Abuse
Sexual Abuse
Financial Abuse
Discriminatory Abuse
Emotional/Psychological Abuse
Neglect (and acts of omission)
Organisational/institutional Abuse
Domestic Abuse
Modern Slavery
Hate and mate crime
Female Genital Mutilation
Safeguarding leads at Jersey Mencap are Alex Wiles and Ali Hand.
Contact the office for more information or to raise any safeguarding concerns you have.
Further information about safeguarding adults and children in Jersey can be found below:
We smashed Blue Monday with a walk & this smiley poster was created in art today #bluemonday
Our first ever Day Disco 🕺 ✨️ 🎶 Thank you Jen's Jersey Zumba Thank you Fort Regent Jersey See you next time 😉
Keeping fit & active with friends in 2025! Monday Health Walk 👣 Wednesday Circuits 💪🏼